Rachel Fisher is a brand designer partnering with business owners to develop strategic, thoughtfully crafted brands and visual identities
I’m a designer, but I’m also a question asker, listener, between-the-lines reader, dot connector, information organizer, thinker, clarity bringer, strategist, idea presenter, and process lover.
I partner with business owners who understand that visuals can either undermine or strengthen the quality of their brand. My approach is deeply thoughtful, with every step and decision rooted in strategy and full of purpose. With a commitment to delivering high impact and lasting value, I offer a seamless combination of smart strategy and inspired design solutions.
I’m based in Chicago, working with clients here and everywhere to help build stronger brands. I have 12+ years of experience as a graphic designer, half of those in my own, one-woman branding studio. When I’m not working, catch me petting all the dogs, sipping a spicy cocktail or craft beer, and researching the next city or mountain to explore.
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The Growth Journal
This fillable, year-long journal is designed to help you reflect on and take pride in your progress, celebrate wins, and track personal and professional growth. It’s been such a helpful practice for me that I’ve made it available for others to use as well.